*It is important to note that many simulators may contain specific features or abilities not explicitly stated in their level of certification. Every simulator, especially custom built designs, are able to be customized in order to fit any facility needs even if a desired level of certification does not necessarily require it. Any ambiguities with respect to the capabilities of the simulator are finalized in the sales contract and technical specifications document prior to the simulator deal closing.
The FTD is broken down into four categories, the Level 4, 5, 6, and 7. The FTD Level 7 is a model specific certification, used for helicopters only. All applicable aerodynamics, flight controls, and systems must be modeled. A vibration system must also be supplied, and a visual system is required at this level.
Detailed description:
For a detailed analysis and record of FAA FTD Level 7 QPS requirements and operational tasks, please refer to 14 CFR 60 page 347 through 359 (Table B3G, B3F, B3E, B3D).
All systems and controls are modeled, including a vibration and visual system.
A Level 7 FTD includes the following features:
• Enclosed, helicopter-specific flight deck and aerodynamic programming with all applicable helicopter systems operating.
• Representative control loading of the simulated helicopter throughout its ground and flight envelope.
• Significant sound representation.
•Displays may be flat/liquid crystal display (LCD) panel representations or actual representations of displays in the aircraft.
• Controls, switches, and knobs must physically replicate the aircraft in control operation.
• Visual system provides an out-of-the-flight deck view, permitting cross-flight deck viewing (for both pilots simultaneously) of a field of view (FOV) of at least 146 degrees horizontally and 36 degrees vertically.
• Vibration cueing system for characteristic helicopter vibrations noted at the pilot station(s).
All systems and controls are modeled, including a vibration and visual system.
A Level 7 FTD includes the following features:
• Enclosed, helicopter-specific flight deck and aerodynamic programming with all applicable helicopter systems operating.
• Representative control loading of the simulated helicopter throughout its ground and flight envelope.
• Significant sound representation.
•Displays may be flat/liquid crystal display (LCD) panel representations or actual representations of displays in the aircraft.
• Controls, switches, and knobs must physically replicate the aircraft in control operation.
• Visual system provides an out-of-the-flight deck view, permitting cross-flight deck viewing (for both pilots simultaneously) of a field of view (FOV) of at least 146 degrees horizontally and 36 degrees vertically.
• Vibration cueing system for characteristic helicopter vibrations noted at the pilot station(s).